Friday, April 18, 2014

When You Look At The Cross....

When You Look at the Cross....

When you look at the Cross what do you see?
I see two pieces of wood that were once a tree.

When you examine the Cross what do you find?
I find Calvary was a place that was not so kind.

When you think about the Cross what do you imagine?
I imagine a man that endured it with such intense passion.

When you observe the Cross what do you note?
I note there is a tugging on my heart, and a lump in my throat.

When you examine the Cross what do you conclude?
I conclude that the path that I'm walking is very much askewed.

When you glimpse at the Cross what do you bear in mind?
That my sin has made me lost. That my eyes are so blind.

When you contemplate the Cross what do you view?
I view that my life is uncertain, I trust He can make it new.

When you survey the Cross what do you decide?
I decide that, after all, not just a good man died.

When you consider the Cross what do you deem to be?
That Christ came to die, and to set the captives free.

When you gaze at the Cross what else do you see?
I see a perfect Savior who shed His blood for you and for me.

When you remember the Cross what do you recall?
He paid the debt. "It is finished", once and for all!

by: Corey Travaglini

Thank you Lord for that bittersweet Good Friday a couple thousand years ago. Thank you for enduring the Cross, for paying a debt I could not pay, and for saving a complete wretch like me. I love you.