So our church just started this 50 day Transformation study. A 50 day spiritual, physical, mental, vocational, financial transformation. This past Sunday we kicked off the study with our Pastor preaching on Luke chapter 15. The Prodigal Son story. Prob one of my fave parables Jesus ever taught on because it hits home on so many levels! I looked up the term "prodigal" in the dictionary, just to get a little bit better understanding of the term, and it is defined as,"someone who wastefully or recklessly spends his money."

But, let's be honest here...we have all in someway shape or form been some what of a prodigal employee, wife, husband, child, and friend. Who wastes their time on petty worry. Who has been reckless in their relationships, or has loved recklessly those people who we know are just not good for us, and I know I can admit that I have been wasteful with my talents and gifts, keeping them to myself when I could of been using them to bless others. I could go on, and on...but truth is we all have had/now have an area where we can relate to the prodigal son.
With that being said, our Pastor pointed out two things this past Sunday while preaching on that parable that Jesus taught. They keep echoing in my heart, and I keep processing it over and over in my brain this week.
"Entitled says, "You owe me! Entrusted says: "I owe you." The prodigal son was completely reckless and wasteful with his inheritance that he felt so entitled to...not entrusted with.
I tell you. This study is only in day 4 well...going on day 5, and we have 45 more days left. God is already SHOWING UP. In our life group on Wednesday night we all agreed that this study is kind of like a 12 step program. The first step is you have to "Admit", and I admit I am in dire need of Transformation.
One area in particular I know is my ATTITUDE.
It need's a HUGE transformation.
God has shown me that I have walked around with this entitled attitude, just like the prodigal son. I think overtime sometimes we as, believers, can become so complacent in our walks, next thing you know your quenching the spirit...and you start being reckless in your relationship with God.
My attitude has been so reckless.
I love God, I love loving on His people, I enjoy so much serving Him and others, I love pouring His truth into others, and earnestly seeking and studying His word, but along the way doing all those things I have without even realizing it have begun to build up this attitude of "God, You owe me!" Ouch!
"God, I'll love on that person that I don't want to, but YOU OWE ME!"
"God, I'll forgive that person, but YOU OWE ME!"
"God, I'll stretch myself and give my money, BUT YOU OWE ME!"
"God, I'll serve in this specific ministry, BUT YOU OWE ME!"
"God, I'll befriend her/him, BUT YOU OWE ME!"
What?!?!? Truth is...we do not owe God a darn thing. Who exactly do we think we are? We are broken, silly little people...who are in desperate need of a Saviour's love, forgiveness, mercy and grace DAILY. Yes we are capable of GREAT, and absolutely unbelievably AMAZING things, but our abilities, money, talents, gift, blessings, and even people that are placed in our lives are all entrusted to us and given to us by our CREATOR, we are not entitled to them.
Our attitudes should look something like this...
"God, I'll love on that person, because "I owe you, and love you and your word says to love your people."
"God, I'll forgive that person, because "I owe you, for you have so graciously forgiven me."
"God, I'll stretch myself and give my money, because "I owe you, and your word says that if we test you in this area,
you will open the flood gates of heaven and pour out blessings amongst us."
"God, I'll serve in this specific ministry, because, "I owe you, for my special gifts, talents and unique abilities you have blessed me with are not entitled to me...they are entrusted to me and I will use them to serve others."
"God, I'll befriend that person, because "I owe you, and Jesus was hated by many, but a friend to all."
I encourage you...if this sounds like you, as it did me...please do this 50 days Transformation journey with us. Like our Pastor said before..."you don't have to join our church, get called out, raise your right hand, come down front, or even ever come back to our church after these
45 days are up." something like that. Just come and do this one journey with us and watch God move in real and tangible ways in our hearts, homes and lives.
Real Transformation starts from the inside out....
I am so ready for God to do just that....are you?