Life is all about growth. We grow up and grow out of things. We grow from being a a an a an adult.... and then finally to a senior citizen. When you were a baby you eventually out grew your baby clothes, and your baby food. Your mother or father first fed you breast milk or formula until you out grew that and then you moved on to baby food. You eventually out grew that, and started eating adult steak...yumm...that sounds good right about now.
Any life we grow and out grow in our wants, desires, and needs. We also grow in our marriages, our relationships, and with our children. Sometimes we outgrow our friends, and we grow with the company at our jobs. But, for the Christian growth could not be more important! We are to never loose sight of who we are in Christ, and in His word! Our growth in Him is vital for our Christian maturity. We need to grow up in Him, and we do that by spending time with Him....and not just once every week, or month, or on a annual basis, but daily! We have His word for a reason. His beautiful love letter to us is not meant to just sit on our bookshelves and collect dust, or be displayed only on our coffee tables, or even only busting it out at special occasions. We are to walk daily with Him and allow His word to transform our lives.
"God's Word is powerful....for the more we know, the more we are to apply to our lives and are held accountable to. In turn the more we grow! So know, apply and grow!"

The Christian walk is not always easy, yes....I get that! In fact...I know that....of course I have struggles...face challenges...and battle my flesh!!! But, we have a guide, a standard, a foundation to apply, and grow from every day! It is our responsibility. Paul said "don't just be hearer's of the word, but be doers."- James 1:22.
I have heard many Christians say....I follow the Lord. I go to church, and get feed! I listen to my preacher preach every Sunday and take what He says and go out and apply it. Oh...that's wonderful! But, I recently heard one of my pastors at church say something that spoke volumes to me...and I quote "we are accountable and responsible as Christians for feeding ourselves, yes the Pastor is responsible in feeding his flock, but ultimately we are responsible for feeding ourselves as Christians." He is so right....for when we feed ourselves, we can also pour out (feed) into others, and that allows this whole cycle of being fed and feeding to occur.....hence discipleship and ministering God's Word to others.WE are commanded to read and apply the Bible as followers of Christ. "It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by EVERY WORD that proceedeth out of the mouth of God" - Matthew 4:4..."Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth."
2 Timothy 2:15
Did you know that so many Christian's are deceived, by the works of the enemy? Yes...Christians! They get entangled in what "Self Help", and "worldly wisdom" says. They sometimes wind up following ways of false doctrines, seek out ungodly advice, or get caught up in many heresies, and it is all a direct result of not knowing God's word, and not taking the responsibility to feed themselves! Don't do a disservice to yourself or the Lord in not keeping His commands and meditating on His statures. When you don't feed yourself God's starve...spiritually and you suffer! Read the word, His word is truth...know it, so you don't fall into any heresies, worldly wisdom and the enemy's schemes. Christian's are most vulnerable to the enemy's attacks when they aren't walking with the Lord, and in His word on a daily basis.
I love that Paul tells us in Timothy that "Every Scripture is God-breathed (given by His inspiration) and profitable for instruction, for reproof and conviction of sin, for correction of error and discipline in obedience, [and] for training in righteousness (in holy living, in conformity to God's will in thought, purpose, and action)." 2Timothy 3:16 has so much power!!! Power to convict us, to correct us, to instruct us, to guide us, to train us, to live out the Christian walk, and to bring us purpose and joy! Amen...for His word really is "a lamp unto our feets, and a light unto our paths." Psalm 119:105
So on ending thoughts...our relationship with Christ and our daily walks with Him is so important as believers. We need to get a huge dose of His daily bread, instead of munching on crumbs every once in a while. We need to walk with Him, pray and seek out His Godly counsel, and allow His Holy Word and Holy Spirit He has given us to guide us!
****Read His word, know His word for yourself, don't spiritually starve yourself, and for everything He has so freely given us we need to freely give up our lives as living sacrifices to Him.
So Grow up!!! Know, apply and grow!!!
" The word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart." -Hebrews 4:12
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