Had my 39 week doc appointment on Tuesday and everything is checking out great for baby John. Had a NST test performed, checked blood pressure and urine for protein. Everything came back great! Last week, Doctor was a little concerned about my blood pressure spiking and finding protein in my urine and had almost wanted to induce me on Sunday if things weren't looking up. Thankfully, he didn't have to. I truly want John to come on his own...because I know it would be better that way. I want to try for a natural child birth and Doc told me that if he did have to wind up inducing me, I could potentially be in labor for 24-36 hours because of my cervix only being dilated 1 cm. AHHHH...CRIKEYS! We def can't have that! So, it's not that I am totally ruling out a epidural or any type of drug intervention. I at least want to try Demerol or some form of mild pain killer to take the edge off a bit. My mom and mother in law both had births with no epi and if they can do it...I just know I can!
So here we are just sitting and waiting...twiddling our thumbs and doing last minute little things like cleaning and making sure everything is ready for baby John's arrival. I tell you...I can hardly sleep. I am so anxious...nervous...excited...sitting in absolute anticipation 24/7 thinking that at any minute or with any pain or twinge felt that this could be it...this is the time! I pray that he comes soon...mostly I pray that he is happy, healthy and there are no complications. I can't believe that 39 weeks ago...we were praying for me to get pregnant....now I am praying that he comes any minute. God is so good. We are so blessed and so thankful for his little life that we will cherish and love to pieces!
ps. My birthday is Monday July 16th...so that would be pretty stellar if he came on my birthday. I would not mind sharing it with him the rest of my and his life. It would be beautiful and the best birthday gift ever! So....with all that being said...hopefully next time I blog....I'll be blogging a pic of him and his measurements...date and time!
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