Friday, January 4, 2013

Baby Nevaeh

abc baby hand 130102 wblog Infant in Womb Shown Holding Doctors Hand

I am so in love with this picture. It is beautifully breathtaking. This picture was released on ABC a day or two ago. It shows a Dr. performing a c-section on a mother and when he went into to break her water the little baby by the name of "Nevaeh" grips onto his finger. Now for any mother this is a complete tear jerker showing the first few moments of birth, but for the mother that has had a c-section it is way more than that.....

because it really hits home.

You know the media and the society in general has painted c-sections not in a good light. It has made mothers feel as if they have failed in some sort of way to fall short of anything other than how a birth was originally designed. It also has scared mothers so desperately into the thought process of, "I have failed my baby", if they do have to undergo one. I know I for one fell victim to this mentally for a short while after having my son by a c-section this past July. I felt like I brought him into this world in a innatural way and I totally failed him right off the bat.

But this picture speaks just opposite. This picture paints a c-section in such a glorious light. PRAISE GOD...for moments that are captured like these because it clearly shows that it makes no difference how our little ones get here in this world....just that they get here into our arms safely. This is such a special moment for those two parents and especially the mother. Maybe she also has had expressed feelings of self doubt or failure, but I can only imagine what she may be thinking now after seeing this picture. I know she will cherish this for the rest of her life....just seeing her little one reach out for the first time into life. What a special thing to witness. What a remarkable little girl already. Plus I like to think little Navaeh is saying either "Alright Doc...let's do this." or "Well hello there...nice to meet you."

So I thank little Navaeh for her precious little grasp...but most of all I thank Jesus for creating something so sweet and bringing such joy with this moment to the world.

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