Wednesday, July 24, 2013

What about the Dad's of the Stay at Home Mom's?!

So many blog posts, stories, sites, and social media pages are about the stay at home mom. You always here of the stay at home mom this, and the stay at home mom does that...but what about the dad's of the stay at home mom's? It seems like there is hardly any thing written about the father's that are out there busting their tails to provide for their family so us stay at home mom's can in fact....stay at home. When this dawned on me it broke my heart and I started to have some personal conviction issues. So wanted to write a post on just that, and a little tribute to them. Especially one dad in particular. John's hubby! :)

I tell you what. I give that man much praise! I have seen him take on more hours at work, and study hours on end during the week for some huge exams that would allow him to move up in promotion. Often times he has taken on more volunteer work to boost his resume and position in the company, has diligently sought out more ways to financially help our family, bust his tail to make incentive that quarter...and ultimately I have seen him put his full faith and trust in the Lord (even when I didn't) when he missed that quarter incentive. If it wasn't for him and the good Lord above I wouldn't be able to stay at home with John and our soon to be second blessing, Natalie. Even though he fully supports me staying home...he comes to me often and gives me praises because he doesn't see how I can stay at home all day and do what I do. It is so much appreciated, and I do give him praises back for all that he does...but, he really has no idea how much I admire his strength, his drive, his motivation and determination to do all that he does everyday to provide for our family...

...and it's not just my husband. I've seen it in other stay at home mommy friends hubbies as well. They work so hard, diligently and faithfully for their family! God bless our men! It bothers me though...that society has placed this status on them that this is just what they are suppose to do. Bring home the bacon. Be the main supporter. It's an there is hardly any credit given towards them and its like all the focus goes on us stay at home mom's and all that we do. It also seems as if us mother's often times take them for granted...I know I am extremely guilty of this. This is where my heart breaks...and my own personal convictions come into play. I have nagged, complained, and burdened my husband with so many things when he gets home from work. To do list that don't ever get completed in the time I think it should be completed. The fact that he doesn't get to spend a lot of time with me during the week because he's too busy studying for promotion, or a lot of times I've complained when our conversations are cut short once he gets home from work because he just needs some time to unwind from the stressful workload or week. They already have so much pressure on them and then here we come along with our own pressures. I know I am not the only one guilty of this...and it should break all of us SAHM hearts who are just as guilty like I am. We should be praying more over our husbands instead of nagging them. Encouraging them instead of burdening them. Supporting them like they support us...instead of griping that the to do list is not completed, and lastly, loving them instead of giving them added pressures. 

So if you are a stay at home mom...and definitely feel the same way will you join me in committing to work on these areas with our husbands? Let's uplift, encourage, love and support our so hard working father's and hubbies. They do all they do so we can stay home and raise our children and manage our households. I know our jobs as SAHM's are no walk in the park lots of days. Being a stay at home mom is a huge calling, with no break, no pay, and seems like not enough hours in the day lots of times to get all that we need to get done. It can be overwhelming at times, but boy isn't it such a huge blessing and honor that we wouldn't have any other way and how blessed we are that our husbands support us in this calling! But, let's...let it not be all about us! Let's humble ourselves and uplift our men because they are so worthy of that and so much more!

Ephesians 5:22-24
"Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife even as Christ is the head of the church, his body, and is himself its Savior. Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit in everything to their husbands."

ps. I know not all families have the option for the mother to stay home. Every family situation is different. There are Dad's that can't work for whatever reason and then there are some that are not even in the picture. Then there are moms who are perfectly content and happy with being a mom and having a profession which is awesome!! There are also a lot of times that the family has to be supported on both incomes. I totally understand this...totally been here. This post is not meant to sway towards one side or another...or if saying that being a sahm is the only way. This post is however just an eye opener for us stay at home mom's to wake up and support our working husbands. If you are a working mom...please know you are so blessed beyond measure and you are greatly admired by us stay at home mom's so much! Thank you for all that you do for your family! God bless you mama!

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Happy Birthday John!

Today is John's first birthday. As I sit here and type I find myself reflecting on this whole year with him. Wow...has this little boy rocked every inch, and crevice of my world! He is pure joy and such a gift. His spirit is so sweet and his zest for life and the world around him already at this age makes me view the world in a much different and beautiful way. Being his mom has been the greatest, the most humbling, the most rewarding and the most beautiful thing I have ever done. God has been so good in giving him to us. So honored that we get to be his parents. I cant wait to see the great man I just know he will become. Thank you Lord for such a beautiful reward...ill never understand what I've done to deserve such a precious gift. May I always place his life in your hands. Happy first birthday to my sweet thing! honor of his 1st birthday wanted to share the poem I wrote for him just months before he was born. It's called...

John's Poem

Sweet lovely child you are.
Little space invader of my womb.
You who were once a prayer and a dream,
Has now infiltrated my everything.

You crept so quietly into this glorious place.
You nestled in and invaded my sacred space.
What a precious secret being of mine.
Tiny expander of my heart and waistline.

A beloved dear joy and treasure you are.
One who is our most brightest star.
Awaiting to gaze at that mysterious face.
And to wrap you up in our loving embrace.

Oh, what beautiful grace has been shown.
By God, to something so perfect and not yet known.
Your already our tiny adored gift from above.
One who has put our hearts into overdrive with love.

So, my sweet heavenly child you are.
My little space invader of my womb.
One who was once a prayer and dream.
That has now infiltrated my everything.

Please don't delay another day.
Come to us soon. This is what I pray.
What a precious secret being of mine.
Beautiful expander of my heart and waistline.

Love always,


Monday, July 8, 2013

Blessed is the Mom...

“Blessed is the one (mom) who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person (mother) will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him,”       – James 1:12
As mother’s and wives often times our faith is tested and we face many trials. Things like…when we get in a conflict with our spouse, how we handle our own attitudes with our kids, a friend betrays our trust, family disappoints us, issues with infertility, financial upsets, and facing the temptations and pressures around us to try and live up to be someone (a mom, a wife, etc) who God has not called us to be. But, it's during those difficult faith testing times that we must know that we are being prepared for something greater.
When we get into a conflict with our husbands God is wanting us to more than anything wrap our arms around them and try and understand them at a deeper level. When we are tempted to lose our cool with our kids God is teaching us to discipline them in love and to learn patience. When a friend betrays our trust God is wanting us to forgive and leave it at His feet. Family is not perfect so when they disappoint us...God want's us to love them still in return. Infertility for me was no walk in the park, but God taught me just how close He is close to the brokenhearted and to rest on His promises. When are bank accounts are slim to none God is teaching us to trust Him and lean on His understanding, and when we are tempted and pressured into trying to live up to be some fabricated super mom or someone God has not called us to be, He is molding us all that more into His likeness and a mother and woman after His own heart.
It's during those faith testing times that we ultimately have a choice. We can either choose to cave and be stressed, or choose to be blessed, persevere and trust God in knowing He is up to something in the midst of our trials. We should change our focus, our direction, our attitudes, perceptions and more importantly our hearts towards God. If we miss Him in the midst of it all...we just might miss out on something so great (a blessing)...or something that He wants to show us and prepare us for. Being under trial is intense in any situation...but we must stay the course, persevere, stand the test and fix our eyes upon Him. 

Will you persevere? What will you choose?

Let this be of some encouragement for you today…because I know it definitely was for me!

26 week pregnancy survey! UPDATE!!

So excited and blessed that we are almost into our 3rd trimester with our sweet girl. Only 2 more weeks to go till we are there! The last survey I did was 18 weeks. I wanted to go ahead and do an here is her 26 week pregnancy survey update! (Technically not 26 weeks till tomorrow).

About You 
Age: 27
Height: 5'3"
About The Father 
Age: 34
Height: 5'7"

About Your Pregnancy 

Is this your first pregnancy:  No, I  had 3 before.
When did you find out you were pregnant: Around 6 weeks 
Was it planned: No, definitely a complete surprise...but a huge blessing!

What was your first reaction: See blog post "Mama's Due with Baby#2"
Who was with you when you found out: No one
Who was the first person you told: Hubby
How far along are you: 25 weeks 6 days
What was your first symptom: Extreme nausea and sore breasts
What is your due date: Oct 15th, 2013 
Do you know the sex of the baby: Yes!! It's a girl!!!!!!! 
Have you picked out names: Yes...her name is Natalie Joy Travaglini
Do you have stretch marks: None yet. The ones I had with John at end of pregnancy faded already. Strange...but they did. I imagine  they won't this time...but it is an honor to bear those marks :) 
Pre-pregnancy & Total weight gain so far: I was 175 lbs before I got pregnant with baby #2! Well...I never lost all my baby weight with John. I lost about 30 of it, but still had 25 to go. (Yes...I gained like 55 pounds with John). So far I have gained 10 pounds this pregnancy with Natalie. That is huge compared to with John. By this time in the pregnancy with him I had gained about 25 or so.
Symptoms: Heart burn, headaches, braxton hicks, trouble breathing, sore feet, lower back pain, extreme tiredness, burst of nesting phases
Sleep: Could do it all day every day. lol.
Have you felt the baby move: Yes! She is so active...doing all kinds of backflips, karate chops, and somersaults up in there!
 Cravings: It's like so random. With John, I seriously craved any and everything that came in sight. So far the first thing I craved with this baby is Cucumbers, and onions soaked in apple cider vinegar! taste buds are singing at just the thought. I have also craved this pregnancy different types of drinks. Sweet tea with huge chunks of lemon, and carbonated beverages ie; Cherry Coke and Mt. Dew., and Gatorade. I haven't drank these things since high school and I have found myself in the middle of the night dreaming of cracking open an ice cold can of one. I know the caffeine content is not good. But, I definitely try to limit my caffeine intake to one cup of coffee in the morning and carbonated beverage or sweet teas a few times a week. Recently however, its been any and all sweets!!! Help!!

Belly Button in or out?: 100 % in! 
Best Moments this week: Hitting 26 weeks tomorrow and getting ready to celebrate our sweet little mans 1 year this Saturday. His actual birthday is the 17th. 

Have you heard the heartbeat: Yes, so beautiful!
What are you looking forward to: Getting this glucose screening done and getting results back...I go tomorrow. So extra prayers for safe and healthy baby Natalie! Looking forward to getting her nursery done! Also looking forward to celebrating John's 1st bday! 

About the birth 
Home or hospital birth: Hospital 
Natural or medicated birth: Leaving it up in God's hands. Would love to do and natural and unmedicated birth, but more than anything just want her safe and here already!
Who will be in the delivery room with you: To be honest with you, I was in the twilight zone last time...and couldn't really tell you who was in there. Laboring is such an out of body experience. I know Nick was there at certain points, but I kept seeing snippets of my mom, grandmother and mother in law until I went to have a c-section. I know I def want Nick in there this time...and whomever else...I just want to labor and get her out and in my arms!!!
Will you breastfeed:For a while...I will make it a goal of at least 3 months. If I go longer, great...if I don't no biggie.
Do you think you'll need a c-section: Had one with John, and hoping to do a VBAC this time. My Doctor is very supportive and so is hubby. So leaving this one up to the Lord. It's all in His hands. I just want healthy baby and delivery.
Will you cry when you hold the baby for the first time: Of course!
Would you let someone videotape the birth: Um...hecks no!!
Are you excited about the birth, or scared?: Anxious...but soooo excited!