Saturday, March 29, 2014

How beautiful.....

How beautiful are my daughter's feet! So blessed by them this evening....let me explain...

She takes her feet and kicks them rapidly, and then grabs her precious little toes with her tiny hands. I cup her feet into my own hands and give them little kisses and she just grins and grins. I wiggle her little pinky toe and her face just lights up. I sit back and smile as I continue to watch her playing with her newly discovered little body part, and as I'm watching my mind starts to wonder about her little feet and where in fact they will go some day. I wonder...what purpose will they serve in this great big world? Will they be running the halls of a emergency room, or will they be standing in front of a chalkboard dry erase board as she writes mathematical equations, scientific definitions, or teaching a child to write his name for the first time. I wonder what floors will they walk on, and what cities and countries will she step foot in? Will her feet have rhythm? Will they learn how to 2 step or do the cupid shuffle? Will they be beautifully wrapped up in ballerina shoes, or will she wear combat boots like I did? Oh, what will her toe nail polish of choice be, and will she love high heels, or will she be more of a flip flop girl?  I wonder if she will love running barefoot and fancy free in the summer grass, or the spring rain, and what size will they grow into? 

But, most of all...will her feet bring the Good News? The Good News of Jesus? Will they run as fast as they can carrying her towards the arms of such a sweet Savior? Will her feet dance as she worships her Lord? Will they be quick to help those in need and will they be ready to serve Him in a moment's notice? I wonder when they get tired, what will they be tired from? I pray that they are tired at the end of the day from serving and loving on those who are weak and need a hand, and from pacing the floors in her home as she serves joyfully her family with every single step. Will they be willing to go places that no one else will go, and will they be ready and willing to always go comfort a friend? 

How beautiful are my daughter's feet.

I pray that God's word will always be the lamp unto them, and that they long to be planted firmly in Christ, on the solid rock of Jesus, and when she get's to heaven one day, I simply can not wait for her feet to be standing on His Holy Ground. <3

“How beautiful are the feet of those who bring the good news!” Romans 10:15

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