Monday, June 2, 2014

"I Thirst"

The words, "I thirst" have been echoing in my mind lately. Maybe because its getting hot out and I find myself more thirsty than in the cold months, or maybe its just because the Lord is impressing on my heart something He wants to tell me.The Spirit leads me to the latter. I know Jesus uttered those words on the cross right before he gave up His Spirit. I've read that so many times in scripture and never really gave it much thought. But, tonight I can't get it out of my head...and It is consuming my heart. I opened my Bible and read John 19:28. This is the scripture reference to Christs thirst on the cross. I also read the passages leading up to and surrounding it, and then dug deeper as I always tend to do. I stand in awe once again of His word tonight!
I learned that...Christ thirsted for us! Yes medically speaking he was thirsty from laboring on the cross, from the immense amount of blood loss, from enduring horrible lashings and the brutality before, and just from carrying His wooden cross up the hill of Calvary, but why if His thirst was just based on a medical need that it was recorded before and prophesied in Psalms 69:21?!?! Everything in scripture should not be just looked over. It is placed in there for a soul purpose. I've learned tonight...that Christ truly thirsted for us. God thirsted for a relationship with humanity. The weight of our sin on the cross left Jesus' heart bone dry. He was broken bread and poured out wine for us. He emptied His cup dry. He was thirsty. He thirsted for us.
I am so thankful beyond words that our Christ thirsted for us. May we always thirst after Him! After His righteousness, goodness, mercy, love, His people, His word, His wisdom and His Son Jesus, and I am so grateful that when we come to His fountain thirsty and draw from His well, we can drink from it over and over and over...because it will NEVER be dry. 

~God thirsts that we may thirst for Him. If the last word, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” reveals the suffering of man without God, these words—“I thirst”—reveal the suffering of God without man. He thirsts for our sake.~ PC

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