Friday, May 25, 2012

Pregnancy Survey

So this is my 3rd post in 2 days...I must be in blogging mode...

*When is your due date?     July 15th 2012 ...a day before my 27th birthday!!!!

*What week are you in?      32 Weeks!!! 

*What was your weight pre-pregnancy?     154lbs...ain't no shame in my game...hehe

*What is your current weight?       188lbs 

*Have you had an ultrasound?     Yes...thankfully everytime I have gone for checkup

*Do you know the gender of your baby? If so, what?      Yes...IT'S A BOY!!!

*Do you have a name picked out? What?      John Nicholas Travaglini

*Is the child being named after someone?    His father - Nicholas John Travaglini

*Who is going to be with you during delivery?    Just Nick & me and baby T.

*Natural or medicated childbirth?    Ummm whatever....not gonna get hung up on that....just want him here safe and

*How are you feeling right about now?   I am feeling ok...tired a as crikey...restless sleeping... having right leg pain....cankle swelling ;)...hungry...and a few minor cramps here and there...but over all...I'm good. :)

*What was the first thing you bought for baby?  Onesies, and books.

*What colors are the walls in the nursery?      Pastel Blue

*What is the nursery theme?        We went with an Ikea jungle themed nursery...but we put our own twist on it. Colors are blue, green, yellow, orange and red.

What is your favorite part of the nursery?     Our almost 6 foot orange giraffe wall decal. Will post pics of nursery in coming blogs...cause you have to see it! :)

*What is your favorite baby gift so far that someone has given  you?     Well there are several- his crib, his bassinet, Nick's baby shoes & rocker, a hand crochet teddy bear, and a handmade car seat cover.

*Do you feel you are ready to have a baby?  Well...there is no turning back now. Absolutely!

*Are you excited or scared about delivery?    Ummm...trying not to think about thanks for bringing it up. Jk. In all honesty I am a little nervous, but excited to go through every ounce of it just to have him in our arms!

*Any food cravings?    1st trimester I craved salt n vinegar chips & mcdonalds french fries- pretty much anything salty. 2nd trimester I craved all sweet & sugary stuff like sour patch kids & icecream I will eat just about anything at this point!!

*Anything you loved before that you absolutely cannot eat anymore?   Cottage cheese....the texture gets me every time.

*Age when you found out you were pregnant:     26

*Did you experience any pregnancy symptoms and what?:    Yes, sore breast, increased tiredness, nausea, implantation cramps, missed menstrual

*How far along were you when you found out?: The day before missed menstrual was due...I just felt something was off with my body....and so I took a test and saw those 2 beloved pink lines!

*Was your little one planned or a surprise?:     We were going with the flow this time..

*What was your first reaction when you found out you were pregnant?:  Praise the Lord!!!

*Who was the first person you told that you were pregnant?:  Hubby of course

*How far along were you when you felt baby kick for the first time?: 19 1/2 weeks

*What month did you find out the sex of your baby?:  February  at 19 weeks, so I was in my 4th month of pregnancy.

*Have you/are you planning on attending any Lamaze classes?:  Naw, just watch a couple YouTube videos and hope for the best.

*What kind of birth plan are you considering?:   I am opened to all options...just want baby happy & healthy.

* What pregnancy related books have you read/are you currently reading?: "What to expect when your expecting", & "Praying your way through your pregnancy"

*Any weird pregnancy dreams?:   Oh gosh, a ton...too many to count. Crazy ones from forgetting to feed my baby, to delivering sextuplets....

*Are you planning on breast feeding?:    Yes

*Do you plan on having any more little ones?:    Oh yes....God willing :)

 *What's the funniest thing that's happened to you while you're pregnant?  Well, it wasn't funny then...but it is now. I thought my amniotic fluid was leaking at around 24 weeks...went to doc and found out it was just me peeing on myself.

*Last but not least...what is the one piece of advice every pregnant woman should have?      Pray your way through your pregnancy...everything will either make you nervous, frightened for your baby, scared out of your mind or worried sick. There is not a thing you can do but to rest, relax, don't over do it... and enjoy being pregnant. Leave everything else up to the Lord...cause He is the one that is growing that little miracle inside of you. Trust Him.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Season of change...

In the last few months I have noticed a huge change in myself and a shift in my priorities. Although it had me utterly confused for a split second...I have  since then, with Gods help and a little help from an old wise woman, realized that my priorities, feelings, dreams, goals and passions are in fact shifting...which is totally normal since I  am in full preparation for motherhood....

So when I first started having these feelings around the second trimester I thought something was wrong with me. I found myself constantly I losing my passion and drive? What's going on with me? Oh where art thou my desires for the things I once thought so highly of? I had a long discussion with an ole wise woman who told me, "it's totally normal's just your body and mind preparing for motherhood dear, not to worry". I use to have these big, huge dreams for myself....these career goals that I wanted to obtain and these great, over the top things I wanted to do in ministry for the Lord. Now, these days, I am finding myself so content and at peace with just being the best wife and mother in the world and letting that be my first and foremost ministry. I told Nick a couple weeks ago, "I think I would actually be extremely content the rest of my life being a career waitress and just serving my family." Before, that didn't seem all that too successful to me. It is so funny to me now, and I feel so foolish at how superficial and ignorant I acted and thought. Not to down play any woman/mother/wife that has a huge corporate career and or involved in a huge ministry and holds down a family...cause that is absolutely astounding and I admire those that do, but for this season of life that I am in now I just earnestly desire to focus on being a awesome wife to Nick and a beautiful mother to John and serving the Lord by serving them first. 

I truly think, let me back up a min, I truly know....the ministry of wife hood and motherhood is one that is powerful and oh so important. We as women should never neglect that calling, especially those in my generation of woman. Society now a days seems to frown upon the women that are not working outside the home and being a career driven individual. Growing up in my grandmother's generation being a stay at home mom, or part-time stay at home mom was ideal, and society frowned upon those women that weren't ole "Suzy home-maker" per say. Now, I am not saying that every mother should be a stay at home mom because you have to do what you have to do for your family to provide if situations and finances call for it, but keeping our families, as mothers and wives, at the center and keeping Christ first is so heavily important in today's world.

You know...I use to think I had to be the next Beth Moore or Joyce Meyer to be effective in ministry or be something great for the Lord or to even be a success in life. But, I've now come to realize that Christ receives great joy when He sees His children serving in order, in love, with great joy and a willinging spirit. I once heard someone say "how can we serve others in ministry or do missions when our first mission (husband and wives, children) in our homes are just doesn't add up, it just doesn't make sense."...and it truly doesn't add up or make sense. Oh how I have had to ask the Lord's forgiveness for putting Nick on the back burner, for him coming in second so many times. There are times when I was rushing out first thing to serve someone else in need, and his needs were not being met at home. It pangs my heart to think that I have done that, and I think it is so easy to do that because we take our loved ones for granted lots of times, but I am greatful that the Lord is showing me this order to be effective and used by Him and for His glory...never neglect your home life and serving your family first....we must start there! For it is often times them that need us the most.

So in closing this blog I will say I am finding myself prioritizing my life, goals, dreams, desires, wants, wishes and all of the above.  Now I haven't literately sat down and made a list of it all in order, but its just the change and attitude of my heart that is evolving into something different for this season. God always knows whats best!

13 weeks left and....

Let me just first start off by saying that this post is about 6 weeks too late. I started it nearly 6 weeks ago...and logged in today for the first and realized I never published it to my blog. It was kind of a nice surprise to log into and see...hehe. Enjoy!

It's been an emotional last couple of weeks. I only have 13 weeks left till baby John is here and in my mind and heart I am growing increasingly anxious....

I was watching a TV show the other day that showed a young girl graduating from high school, and her mother made this statement, "Oh...where did the time go? She was just in my arms a few moments ago, now I am sending her off into the went by too fast." Boy....did that hit me hard and out of no where I started sobbing uncontrollably. I couldn't help to think of the same thing happening to baby John with graduating in 19 years!! Ahhh...I don't even want to think of "Congratulations Class of 2031". He is not even here yet and I already don't want to let him go. Oh how I long to hold him in my arms, but a part of me wants him to stay right here in my womb...because at least there I know he is with me and protected, safe from the world. I pray that mine and Nicks journey with him in this life-time will be a long, and beautiful one. I pray that I will never forget  to just stop and cherish every waking moment and memory with him and to never take it for granted....because it is true...they just grow up so fast right before your eyes and you can never get those moments in time back. Then, before you know it, they are into this vast open world God made for them. But, I know truly deep down that he is not only just ours, but he is the Lord's and that is so reassuring to me.

It feels like I am entering a new chapter in life...and for the first time I am understanding things about the Lord, and myself that I have sought out for so long to understand...

"My whole life I have struggled with trying to understand God's love for me. I mean...I know His word, and  I know how amazing His love is written down for us in His word, and how completely indescribable His sacrificial love was shown on the cross, etc.... but never could I truly grasp just the unconditional aspect of His love that He actually has for His children....for me. In the Bible it says that "God is love" is just who He is. But, growing up I just couldn't grasp it for some reason. Someone told me a while back that you will begin to taste  just a bit of unconditional love when you have children of your own some day. I now feel like I am just getting to a place where I am experiencing that for the first time....the way that I already love John so much is I know just a snippet of how compelling God's unconditional love is for us....for me. I believe that having children is the closest thing that we have on this earth and in our life times to experience that. Wow...and just think He is SO good because He blesses those with children to experience and taste that unconditional love even when they don't acknowledge or recognize Him as Lord & Savior. I stand in awe. I am so overwhelmed to know that He favored Nick and I, and wants us to experience a glimpse and just a taste of that. For so long I prayed and really searched out how deep His love was for me....and now Lord....I am truly getting it for the first time. It is one of the most heartfelt and absolutely amazing things to feel, to know and trust in."

What a lovely chapter it is that I am entering. Can't wait to hold my little Johnny man and to look into his precious eyes. This mysterious little one that has jabbed, punched, kicked, nestled, tossed, and invaded my sacred womb has also invaded my very heart and for that I am truly blessed!