Saturday, February 25, 2012

IT'S A B.O.Y!!!

So we found out on Monday, February 20th that we will be bringing  a baby BOY into the world!! Oh how thrilled we are, and over the moon excited with joy and anticipation! I never thought I would be a mom to a boy, actually I was fully convinced in my mind, and even had friends and family members (Nick however was Switzerland) convinced as well that we were having a Girl. down and stay a while's the story....

Our first doctors visit was at 6 weeks. It was then that we saw our sweet little Doe (called baby Doe because at that point we did not know if baby was a Jane or a John). I wept tears as I saw that little heart just a flickering on the screen. It looked like a little white blob, but it was the most beautiful white blob I have ever seen. At that point, I immediately contracted baby fever. I wanted to go out and start decorating, buy baby clothes, pick out names, etc right then and as soon as we left the doctor's office. Nick and I had orginally decided we did not want to know the sex because we were told by several people "that there are only few surprises in life, and finding out the sex at birth is definitely one of those," so we truly wanted to wait. I was down for it. But, in the back of my mind I felt all along that it was a Girl.

As weeks went on I kept seeing pink everywhere...and the name I wanted for our precious girl kept popping up randomly in places. I thought it was a premonition...the Lord was giving me a revelation. haha. maybe I didn't fully think that...but sounds good. Any who...I began to get severe morning sickness, headaches, food aversions to my favorite foods and then cravings for sour and salty things. I was told this is a sign of carrying a girl. Everywhere I went everyone kept saying..."oh Corey you are glowing...your having a girl." I kept thinking...yes I know. My little girl. I kept telling Nick over the course of several weeks, "it's a girl...I just know it....let's pick out baby names, and pick out nursery room decor." Bless my husband's heart he just kept saying "ok dear". But, I think he was convinced it was a boy this whole time.

So...we both decided on the girl name, we even went and bought a few girly nursery decor items. I had in my mind hair bows that I was going to create, and pinterest projects I was going to craft that involved our little girls name...already pinned and ready to go. Like I said I was fully convinced!! Eventually as weeks progressed and this little space invader of this sacred womb began to take over my heart I started writing to him/HER in a little journal...still referring to it as Little Doe, but was so sure it was a girl in my mind. I had people come up to me at work, and church and asked me, "so have you found out yet...what is it?!" I kept telling them, "oh no, we won't find out, but I know its a girl anyways"...because I had mother's instinct...and that never fails...right??!! lol.

Well the big day approached us at 19 weeks where we got to see our little one, and for the first time our family could see him/HER too. At this check up they wanted to check baby's organs, heart, brain, spine, anatomy and measurements. We could also find out the sex...well confirm it for me, but at this point we did not want to. I was so anxious upon arriving. My stomach had severe butterflies (now that I think of it, it was baby kicking) and I was antsy. They called my name back and all of us...including daddy walked into the room. I got up on the into position....ready to go. The tech put that jelly substance on my belly...plopped the wand down on top and as soon as she did our precious gift was right there for all to see. Everyone fell was such a sweet moment....he/SHE had grown so much. The little heart was just a beating away...the little limbs were just a moving...even caught baby yawning and suckling in the womb.....

...."My heart was speechless, and so in love."
Finally, the technician looked over at me and said, "so do you guys want to know the sex?" I immediately shrieked "yes!!!!" Nick bent down and whispered, "are you sure about have been telling me for the last 15 weeks you didn't want to find your positive you want to know?" I kept saying "yes, yes, please tells us...suspense is killing me!" The technician then began to type up on the screen rather slowly IT'S A.......she paused. We all were on the edge of our seats, wide eyed and bushy tailed....BOY!!! "!!!" Was the sounds and words coming in from the background. I honestly had blocked everyone out and sat their amazed, but shocked at the same time. I leaned up from the table and exclaimed "SO YOU MEAN THIS ISN'T A LITTLE NATALIE?!!?" Technician said..."nope...all BOY!" I have to admit I was speechless for a few moments, I didn't honestly know what to do....the thoughts of pink, princesses, hair bows, ruffles, painted finger nails, baby pageants, and barbie dolls went out the window in seconds....and then...

all I could think of was... Beautiful. Oh. You.

With everything Nick and I have been through with failed pregnancies in the past year I was now looking at my healthy, precious baby boy on the screen. Oh shame on me for wanting anything different than what God has so purposely blessed us with!

After the 15 minute initial shock wore off, I was all smiles! My precious BOY! Ahhh...God has away of always stumping me and surprising me at the same time, and nevertheless putting me back in line...with "His ways are not my ways...and He knows the plans He has for me!" We couldn't be more happier and feel so blessed that He entrusted us with such a special gift...girl or not.

"I have already been dreaming and thinking about who and what he will become...a pastor, a lawyer, a teacher, a doctor, a writer...the President lol. Hey...I can dream for my son can't I?!? So excited to hold him, to examine his precious feet, and hands. To gaze upon his cute little nose,ears, and eyes that I just know he will have. I know sincerely in my heart God has big plans for him. My prayers now are continually that God will mold us into Godly parents, to help us set such a firm biblical foundation for him, to love him always, rebuke him with love when necessary, to discipline him with grace, to cherish who he is, to teach him who Christ is, and for him to love the Lord with all his soul, heart, mind and strength. I can't believe it...we are having a baby BOY!!!"
So on ending notes...with every kick, and flutter that I feel going on in there from our precious boy I am reminded of God's faithfulness, grace and love. We are thrilled....and I can only see blue everywhere I go...and I couldn't stand the color blue before, but now it's heavenly looking! I am one proud momma...and I know daddy is just as proud and honored to carry on the Travaglini name..and what little bit of Italian heritage he will have left :). Everyone now keeps coming up to me saying..."you look like a boy mom" I just giggle cause even though I sincerely have no idea what a "boy mom" looks like...I do know I am blessed beyond words and so thankful for his little grateful to bear a son. Even though Mary was carrying the sacrificial lamb, the Savior of all mankind, the king of kings, the prince of peace, and God in the flesh in her precious sacred womb...he was still a son to her, and I can feel for her and any mother out there that is carrying a son for the first time. IT'S SO BEAUTIFUL!

& all I can think of when I look down at my expanding belly is... Beautiful. Oh. You.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Grow Up!!!

I get it...some people do seriously need to stop acting a fool and grow up...but that is not what this blog is please by all means...keep reading :)

Life is all about growth. We grow up and grow out of things. We grow from being a a an a an adult.... and then finally to a senior citizen. When you were a baby you eventually out grew your baby clothes, and your baby food. Your mother or father first fed you breast milk or formula until you out grew that and then you moved on to baby food. You eventually out grew that, and started eating adult steak...yumm...that sounds good right about now. 

Any life we grow and out grow in our wants, desires, and needs. We also grow in our marriages, our relationships, and with our children. Sometimes we outgrow our friends, and we grow with the company at our jobs. But, for the Christian growth could not be more important! We are to never loose sight of who we are in Christ, and in His word! Our growth in Him is vital for our Christian maturity. We need to grow up in Him, and we do that by spending time with Him....and not just once every week, or month, or on a annual basis, but daily! We have His word for a reason. His beautiful love letter to us is not meant to just sit on our bookshelves and collect dust, or be displayed only on our coffee tables, or even only busting it out at special occasions. We are to walk daily with Him and allow His word to transform our lives.

"God's Word is powerful....for the more we know, the more we are to apply to our lives and are held accountable to. In turn the more we grow! So know, apply and grow!"

This is so true! How can we ever be sanctified or be made holy? How can our lives be transformed, or our minds, and spirits be renewed? How can we learn to follow His commands, to guide our children, to honor our husbands, to love our wives, to submit to others, to be a witness, to minister to others, or bear any fruit if we don't read His word, apply it, and grow from it? There are so many born again believers walking around, and every once in a while opening up and reading the Bible and spending just a quick fix in the Word. Then they go and try to live out the Christian walk. They are still walking around with carnal minds, fighting the flesh constantly, getting discouraged, and they can't seem to figure out why their life is so confusing, and what they are doing wrong!

The Christian walk is not always easy, yes....I get that! In fact...I know that....of course I have struggles...face challenges...and battle my flesh!!! But, we have a guide, a standard, a foundation to apply, and grow from every day! It is our responsibility. Paul said "don't just be hearer's of the word, but be doers."- James 1:22.
I have heard many Christians say....I follow the Lord. I go to church, and get feed! I listen to my preacher preach every Sunday and take what He says and go out and apply it. Oh...that's wonderful! But, I recently heard one of my pastors at church say something that spoke volumes to me...and I quote "we are accountable and responsible as Christians for feeding ourselves, yes the Pastor is responsible in feeding his flock, but ultimately we are responsible for feeding ourselves as Christians." He is so right....for when we feed ourselves, we can also pour out (feed) into others, and that allows this whole cycle of being fed and feeding to occur.....hence discipleship and ministering God's Word to others.
WE are commanded to read and apply the Bible as followers of Christ. "It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by EVERY WORD that proceedeth out of the mouth of God" - Matthew 4:4..."Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." 
2 Timothy 2:15

Did you know that so many Christian's are deceived, by the works of the enemy? Yes...Christians! They get entangled in what "Self Help", and "worldly wisdom" says. They sometimes wind up following ways of false doctrines, seek out ungodly advice, or get caught up in many heresies, and it is all a direct result of not knowing God's word, and not taking the responsibility to feed themselves! Don't do a disservice to yourself or the Lord in not keeping His commands and meditating on His statures. When you don't feed yourself God's starve...spiritually and you suffer! Read the word, His word is truth...know it, so you don't fall into any heresies, worldly wisdom and the enemy's schemes. Christian's are most vulnerable to the enemy's attacks when they aren't walking with the Lord, and in His word on a daily basis.

I love that Paul tells us in Timothy that "Every Scripture is God-breathed (given by His inspiration) and profitable for instruction, for reproof and conviction of sin, for correction of error and discipline in obedience, [and] for training in righteousness (in holy living, in conformity to God's will in thought, purpose, and action)." 2Timothy 3:16 has so much power!!! Power to convict us, to correct us, to instruct us, to guide us, to train us, to live out the Christian walk, and to bring us purpose and joy! Amen...for His word really is "a lamp unto our feets, and a light unto our paths."  Psalm 119:105

So on ending thoughts...our relationship with Christ and our daily walks with Him is so important as believers. We need to get a huge dose of His daily bread, instead of munching on crumbs every once in a while.  We need to walk with Him, pray and seek out His Godly counsel, and allow His Holy Word and Holy Spirit He has given us to guide us!

****Read His word, know His word for yourself, don't spiritually starve yourself, and for everything He has so freely given us  we need to freely give up our lives as living sacrifices to Him.

So Grow up!!! Know, apply and grow!!!

" The word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart." -Hebrews 4:12
