Thursday, January 24, 2013

Going out with a BANG!

So my 2 week notice is coming to an end. This Saturday is my last day of work! My mother told me this past week jokingly, "make sure you go out with a bang!" Oh boy...what God had in store I never could of fathomed. 

Last night at work, I  had my co- worker/cube mate come up to me before she left for the day (since this will be my last time working with her) and told me something that just made my heart so overjoyed. She told me that she wanted me to leave this place knowing that my relationship with Christ, my testimony and my witness is what sent her into the arms of accepting Jesus as Lord and Savior a while back. She went on to say the first time she came onto our team she had so many doubts about many hangups about God...thought that she needed to be perfect first before she needed to be forgiven and accepted by God, but she was really searching....and that "sitting next to this bible thumping southern hill billy from Charlotte was no accident in the process of it all." lol. 

This is the one thing I have prayed and doubted so much in my life is that are people seeing Jesus' light reflected in me, and am I being a good witness for Christ? I have always questioned I being too Godly...what if I'm too forward about my walk with God...what if I turn people away from being too overly zealous about Christ, and wondered if His light was even reflecting at times. She went on to tell me that I was apart of her testimony and when she shares about how she came to the truth of the Gospel she tells people about how my life in Jesus changed hers! Wow. God. Wow! If working at this place for the last 5 years was just so our paths could cross and Christ be glorified and made known then it was so much worth it and more!

So something I have learned is that I should never doubt the conversations...the talks...the walk that I display in front of others. It speaks volumes and it plants huge seeds to those who are struggling to believe in Christ and those that are right there on the verge of either walking away or accepting the Gospel as truth. Hallelujah! I am giving God all the glory and honor and praise...that there is one more saint in the kingdom and that I was simply just a vessel. 

What an awesome way to leave a place knowing you left a legacy of Christ! Talk about going out with a BANG mom! :)

Thursday, January 17, 2013

2 weeks notice

So the hubby and I are stepping out on extreme faith. Yesterday, I put my 2 week notice in at my banking job at Wells Fargo. God has called me home to raise John full time, which being a Stay at Home something that years ago was not even in my vocabulary, but since becoming a mother it has been such a burning desire within me.We were however just waiting for some sort of financial stability.

That's when God spoke and said, "I'm your stability!"

So here's the thing...when we put all this down on paper financially it doesn't make a bit of sense. But, nonetheless here we are....listening to His voice which still speaks today and stepping out on one of the biggest acts of faith we have both ever stepped out on---splitting our income significantly in half!

Moreover, we know God is our ultimate provider. He supplies our every need...not our wants...but we can be rest assured that He WILL supply our every need. So I will end on saying...the beauty of this all is that we are trusting our current unknown situation and our future in a constant known God. This reality I will admit is still is unequivocally liberating.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Baby Nevaeh

abc baby hand 130102 wblog Infant in Womb Shown Holding Doctors Hand

I am so in love with this picture. It is beautifully breathtaking. This picture was released on ABC a day or two ago. It shows a Dr. performing a c-section on a mother and when he went into to break her water the little baby by the name of "Nevaeh" grips onto his finger. Now for any mother this is a complete tear jerker showing the first few moments of birth, but for the mother that has had a c-section it is way more than that.....

because it really hits home.

You know the media and the society in general has painted c-sections not in a good light. It has made mothers feel as if they have failed in some sort of way to fall short of anything other than how a birth was originally designed. It also has scared mothers so desperately into the thought process of, "I have failed my baby", if they do have to undergo one. I know I for one fell victim to this mentally for a short while after having my son by a c-section this past July. I felt like I brought him into this world in a innatural way and I totally failed him right off the bat.

But this picture speaks just opposite. This picture paints a c-section in such a glorious light. PRAISE GOD...for moments that are captured like these because it clearly shows that it makes no difference how our little ones get here in this world....just that they get here into our arms safely. This is such a special moment for those two parents and especially the mother. Maybe she also has had expressed feelings of self doubt or failure, but I can only imagine what she may be thinking now after seeing this picture. I know she will cherish this for the rest of her life....just seeing her little one reach out for the first time into life. What a special thing to witness. What a remarkable little girl already. Plus I like to think little Navaeh is saying either "Alright Doc...let's do this." or "Well hello there...nice to meet you."

So I thank little Navaeh for her precious little grasp...but most of all I thank Jesus for creating something so sweet and bringing such joy with this moment to the world.