Boy...I haven't blogged in over a month. I guess with a 9 month old who is crawling all over the place, has energy bigger than the state of Texas, hardly sleeping through the night still, now has started to pull himself up onto everything, and being 16 weeks pregnant added to the mix (yes...I'm preggers again!) really zaps my energy to do anything else that is not mandatory. So I made it a goal to sit down this morning during John's morning nap to update everyone on our journey to pregnancy with our second little miracle blessing! Mama's due with baby number 2!!! Due Oct 15th!
The story:
This was a huge and total shock to us...definitely a blessing...but definitely a shock too! I will openly admit that when I first found out for a few days I was in denial. Our son was only 6 1/2 months at the time when I found out, and I literately just quit my banking job 2 weeks prior to stay home full-time with him. Nick and I had talked about wanting to have our children close know....maybe 2 -3 years apart....but 15 months apart is not what we dreamed or anticipated, but apparently God did!!! (John and baby #2's due dates are exactly 15 months apart!!). So when the two pink lines (although second line was a bit faint) showed up on the test heart immediately started racing, and then I totally second guessed it. Second guessed it so much that I didn't even say anything to Nick about it for a few days...because I wanted to be 100 % sure. Lol...and from previous experience with taking these test when finding out I was pregnant with John...I should of known that a line is a line, no matter how faint! So I tested again a few days later...and low and behold that second line was uber dark!!!
A little background info:
It took Nick and I almost a year to get pregnant with John and several miscarriages. One that left us devastated and crushed because we found out it was twins. We went through an incredible emotional, physical and spiritual journey to have John, and I say it was incredible because God was incredibly present throughout all of it...all the way up until John was born...because his birthday was exactly to the day that a year earlier we had miscarried with the twins. Only God could orchestrate timing like that...and although I will never forget my precious little angel babies that I never got to hold or name on this earth and in this life time...God gave us pure joy back in the midst of our sorrow exactly a year later when he blessed us with the most sweet spirited little boy, our son, John!
So...I had been tracking my cycles since upon having John because they seemed very fickle and a little out of wack! I always had pretty accurate and on point cycles. But, seemed repetitious enough to know when I was ovulating and thought we were in the clear (for the record...I was not on any birth control because I am way overly sensitive to hormones. I have been through several different methods...and lets just say that in order to save me from being on the 8th floor of the psychiatric ward, we decided to stick to rain coats for a bit until I was ready to try some other methods again). Well apparently the month we fell pregnant with baby #2 my charting was way off. I was due to start the menses in a few days or so I thought, and hubby and I were caught up in the moment...and you know....waaaalaaaa. Bam! God created life!
When I finally told Nick that I was pregnant...he seriously thought I was joking. I showed him the test and he still thought I was pulling his leg. Finally his cheeks got flushed and he said the most funniest thing but with so much sincerity and with a quiver in his voice that I couldn't help but bust out laughing.... "well...I guess a dab will do ya!" So he definitely took it with stride, but of course I panicked for a bit knowing my two children's age differences and the fact my 9 month old is barely sleeping through the night and upon most mornings I feel like a complete walking zombie. But, God created life...He is the giver and author of it. He created mothers and fathers too and He will instill in me and Nick just like every other mother and father before us with two little ones so close in age...the will, strength and love to do this! So once I got my bearings and all of that sunk in we were over the moon full of joy and excitement!
God created life again inside me...what a gift and what an honor and we are so ever grateful! He is forming and fashioning this little one so preciously and secretively in my womb. What a beautiful thing to trust in and know. My heart is already expanding so much in love and I can't wait to be a mother of two!!!
So we haven't found out the gender 100 % yet! I say that because at our 12 week screening the ultrasound tech said that from the looks to her, "it definitely looks like a girl" however to wait till my doctor confirms that. So we are waiting and anticipating for the next 2 1/2 weeks to get that confirmed! Hubby really wants a girl, and of course I would love that too...however I just want a healthy baby, delivery and pregnancy! So I will take boy or girl...but will admit that it will be kind of nice seeing excessive amounts of PINK around this house :)
So there's the update and a little story of how baby Trav # 2 came to be! I def will update everyone as soon as we find out the gender...and as far as names go...we have 2 we are sitting on for a girl and if it is a boy we have that name already established. So I can't wait to share the gender news and put a sweet name to our baby soon!
Please keep us in your prayers for a healthy baby and pregnancy! Oh and would be so sweet if you could please pray that my son sleeps through the entire night real soon real soon. :)
Corey T.
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