Wednesday, May 22, 2013

The one about Women and Mothers.

I recently had the pleasure of following two mother's with two different pregnancy stories. One is a mother who is anxiously awaiting the arrival of her first sweet baby any day now. The other mother has recently learned she was pregnant after suffering such a devastating loss of her child in utero months before. I find myself in complete admiration of the beauty and strength of them both, and I also find myself right in the middle sharing in the joy and fear of their two stories. Because I have lived them both. I too have been that mother who was anxiously awaiting the arrival of her first baby at any day, and I too have been the mother who through fear learned that she was pregnant again after suffering a miscarriage months before. 

As I sit here thinking about their two miracle stories...I can't help but think about God's joy and love. How good and faithful He is. How He shows favor, and how unbelievably strong and beautiful he has made the spirit and the body of a woman and mother. The body of a woman is so powerful and strong. She can carry and birth life into this world through near death like pain. It is said that the the agony and pain of child birthing is one that not even a man was built to withstand, but a woman was made for it. She will bare children, experience the trauma through birth, and then go on to want to conceive again. She is strong and brave. Furthermore, the spirit of a mother never ceases. Her hope never runs out. Her will and determination to mother and protect never comes to an end. She constantly presses onward. She is blessed, beautiful and loved.

So I sit here thinking about that excited new mother who is anxiously awaiting her babies arrival, and how she is also awaiting near death like pain. This soon to be mother is getting ready to experience the worst pain possible and unimaginable. Still, her spirit and will presses onward. For her pain she will endure is completely overshadowed by the overwhelming joy and love she will feel in knowing that at the end the result is a beautifully  fashioned miracle from God. He gives joy!

Woman, you are brave.

I begin to think about the fearful and delicate heart of the mother who just learned she was pregnant again after a miscarriage. My heart sympathizes with her because I too have shared this same journey. I know the grief, the loss and the pain that comes with having your own flesh and blood ripped from your most sacred place, and then somehow trying to trust God again in the midst of it all. She however, still presses on. Her spirit does not give out nor does her hope. She she is afraid, and terrified to carry another child, but as tender and broken as she is she wants to try and conceive again...and so she does. God is good! She too will go through that same immense and intense amount of pain months ahead, but that is not even a thought, nor is it a care. For she knows that her end result will be the long awaited and prayed for miracle that she never got to meet, to love on or to hold. 

Mother, you are blessed.

I then think about the women that I know that have tried for months, and years to conceive. I have listened to the disappointment in their voice when the words, "not this month", have fell from her lips. I have also seen the look of frustration, worry, confusion, and sadness come over her when her menses shows up or the two pink lines didn't make it on the test strip once again. But, her flame does not go out, neither does her determination and spirit give up to have a child. So again, her and her husband keep trying and her will keeps pressing on. God is faithful.

Woman, you are strong.

I find myself thinking about the mothers who can not have children at all. For whatever reason their bodies just will not conceive or carry. I know in the back of their minds and heart sometimes guilt and burdens may try to creep up in them knowing they could never pro-create or carry life...but little do they truly know they are the true angels on this earth. I, like so many others, praise God for them because these are the mothers who have the beauty, grace, will and desire to press on and adopt the precious little ones who are left here on this earth without a mother or a home. God has shown great favor on you...more than you can fathom.

Mother, you are so beautiful.

I go on to think about those mothers that had the complete honor of carrying their little one for a few months to 9 months in the womb. To having the joy of naming them and the excitement that comes with decorating the nursery...then on to celebrating the arrival of their sweet one at their shower, only to experience birthing them and then a sudden loss and devastation that leaves them holding him or her just for a little while. I know they understand more than anyone how precious life truly is and how it is a gift that can not be taken for granted.  Though the memory of their angel will forever be etched in their minds and hearts they somehow strive on. Through sadness and grief they continue to try to conceive another child to hold more than just a little while. God pours out His love again. I admire them because they are the strongest mothers I know. 

Oh, Mother, you are loved! 

I finally come to me. I give God glory, and honor and praise because He has entrusted Nick and I with another precious life after experiencing the loss of three. I am so grateful that we are almost halfway through our pregnancy and that baby is growing healthy and strong. ]I rejoice in the fact that I have been able to relax more this pregnancy in knowing that God has my baby completely in his hands! I find myself remembering my feelings while pregnant with John and how it was struggle daily to believe just that very thing. I worried and agonized over him daily. I tried to control every aspect of my pregnancy and the way I would birth him. I just wanted him safe and here in my arms. I was so afraid and scared, but I never gave up hope, nor my spirit never ceased to somehow push through and trust God with his little life. It was the hardest thing I have ever done and that season was a true testing of my faith. So I sit here thanking you Lord for another that we truly don't deserve!

Ending matter how we have been blessed to become mothers or how we will be blessed to become mothers on this earth...we are women and mothers who are brave, blessed, strong, beautiful and loved by a God who knows our desires and the intricate places of our minds and hearts. My prayer today is for any woman or mother that this post touched that you will rest in the fact that He is a God who gives joy, is good, is always faithful, shows favor, makes all things beautiful and is love. Trust Him.

Blessings and love,

Corey T.