About You
Age: 28 (had a birthday since the last update)
Height: 5'3"
About The Father
Age: 34
Height: 5'7"
About Your Pregnancy
Is this your first pregnancy: No, I had 3 before.
When did you find out you were pregnant: Around 6 weeks
Was it planned: No, definitely a complete surprise...but a huge blessing!
What was your first reaction: See blog post "Mama's Due with Baby#2"
What was your first reaction: See blog post "Mama's Due with Baby#2"
Who was with you when you found out: No one
Who was the first person you told: Hubby
How far along are you: 34 weeks 3 days
Symptoms: Extremely exhausted, occasional nausea, braxton hicks, sciatic nerve pain, leg cramps, hot flashes, food cravings, emotional, insomnia, HEARTBURN!!!
What is your due date: Oct 15th, 2013
Do you know the sex of the baby: Yes!! It's a girl!!!!!!!
Have you picked out names: Yes...her name is Natalie Joy Travaglini
Do you have stretch marks: None yet.
Pre-pregnancy & Total weight gain so far: I was 175 lbs before I got pregnant with Natalie. Well...I never lost all my baby weight with John. I lost about 27 of it, but still had a little over 25 to go. (Yes...I gained like 55 ish-60 pounds with John). So far according to my last checkup 2 weeks ago I have gained 19 pounds this pregnancy with Natalie. That is huge compared to with John. By this time in the pregnancy with him I had gained about 45 or so.
Sleep: Soooo exhausted! I could sleep all day every day, but at night time I have complete and total insomnia! My usual bedtime is somewhere between 3-3:30 am
Movement: She is super active! More active than John was...especially at night!
Cravings: It's like so random these days, but mostly dark chocolate dove icecream bars, and carbonated beverages.
Cravings: It's like so random these days, but mostly dark chocolate dove icecream bars, and carbonated beverages.
Belly Button in or out?: Def in at the moment.
Best Moments this week: I took some beautiful cherished bump silhouette pics! We had a wonderful mini family getaway to the mountains. Finally have her nursery completed and will be posting a new blog on that soon! Hitting 34 weeks and realizing that I only have a little under 6 weeks to go until she's here....unless of course she decides to come late :)
Best Moments this week: I took some beautiful cherished bump silhouette pics! We had a wonderful mini family getaway to the mountains. Finally have her nursery completed and will be posting a new blog on that soon! Hitting 34 weeks and realizing that I only have a little under 6 weeks to go until she's here....unless of course she decides to come late :)
What are you looking forward to: My shower and celebrating her arrival. Holding her and seeing who she favors. Seeing John's reaction to her. Nursing her and doing the whole newborn thing again. Believe it or not...birthing (I believe its beautiful, real, raw and womanly no matter which way they have to come!) Being a mommy to two and expanding our family by two more feet :)
About the birth
Home or hospital birth: Hospital
Natural or medicated birth: Leaving it up in God's hands. Would love to do vaginal and unmedicated birth, but more than anything just want her safe and here already!
Who will be in the delivery room with you: Nick definitely, but possibly mom and mil.
Will you breastfeed: Want to really try longer this time and make it a goal of at least 3-6 months.
Do you think you'll need a c-section: Had one with John, and hoping to do a VBAC this time. My Doctor is very supportive and so is hubby. So leaving this one up to the Lord. It's all in His hands. I just want healthy baby and delivery.
Will you cry when you hold the baby for the first time: Of course!
Would you let someone videotape the birth: Um...hecks no!!
Are you excited about the birth, or scared?: Anxious...but soooo excited!
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