As I was going through some of Natalie's outfits and deciding on what to bring and what she will wear while our stay there I came across these little duck footie pants that John wore in the hospital. We winded up letting John wear them for his little hospital pics (something that we told ourselves we'd never do, but was the first to jump on them the next day when the photographers came around). Anywho...I had them placed in the back of one of her drawers since they were unisex. I figured at some point in the newborn stage she would probably wear them too. Come to think of it, I believe they were one of the first pieces of clothing items we got as a gift for John before we knew he was going to be a boy. So here I was packing through joyful tears and reflecting back on John. After holding them for those few momenys of reflection I decided to go ahead and pack these duck footie pants for Natalie to wear for part of her stay and her hospital pics too. But, of course I had to add a cute little yellow bow for her to wear with it. :)
It's hard to believe that I was doing this almost 14 months ago with John, packing his hospital bag and getting ready to bring him into the world. I can remember before packing those little duck footie pj's in his bag I thought to myself,"oh my gosh, he is going to be so tiny", and was afraid and nervous knowing that I was getting ready to care for something so small and fragile. Something so small that relied solely on me. How in the world would I ever know what to do?
When Nick came back to see John and I in recovery after my c-section he saw me breast feeding John for the first time and he said, "how do you know how to do that?" Truth is, I didn't....I had no clue. I never read a book on it or asked any questions. Never went to a breastfeeding class or even watched a video, but it came so natural and second nature to me the moment they laid him on my chest.
What I find so beautiful about the gift of motherhood is that you do ultimately know what to do, because God has placed such an natural instinct and gift in us. The natural born ability to know the instinct of protection, their cries, their cues, birthing, breastfeeding, and even just holding them and changing their diaper. Although, there are some things every new mom needs help with, and questions we are always asking along the way, but ultimately the instinct is just there and its truly a beautiful gift from our great God.
I love how when I posted this picture on Instagram earlier in an attempt to jot down my feelings without having to write a blog post (but you see where that brought me...to my blog. I just can't escape from it...and that's OK because I love writing) a friend wrote underneath my post that, "they are the most treasured gift from God." #madeinhisimage. Oh, she could not be more right.
How beautiful are we, His handiwork, His masterpiece. The true image of God. A newborn baby in all their innocence, beauty and even down to the sweet smelling of their soft, new skin is the most purest, sweetest and closest handiwork's of God that we get to witness first hand. They, we, are a true reflection of Him. We are made in His image. What's even more amazing is that we get to assist in such a miracle act of God from conceiving, carrying and birthing a human being into this world. It blows my mind, and it's so wild and breathtaking to me all at the same time to think about; the very hands of God forming and fashioning a human being in a mothers womb. Truly, "they are the most treasured gift of God."
So on ending thoughts....I am looking forward to holding and meeting our sweet, new miracle. I am excited about the newborn phase all over again too. I see some of my friends who are getting ready to be first time moms and I see in them the exact feelings I went through; a little apprehension, panic, fear, and some nervousness of hoping you do it all right and knowing what to do at all. But, if your a first time mom and find yourself reading this post and i could tell you any piece of advice...is just to relax. You will be completely amazed and in awe the moment they get into your arms. It's the most natural thing ever. You will know what to do...and if you need help or have questions, mother's that have come before are always willing to help.
Thank you Lord for creating life through me once again, and for choosing me to be a mother to two precious handiwork's. It's truly a treasured gift that I don't deserve, but I am so thankful and help me to always be thankful for such treasured gifts.
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